Full Automatic Headlight Tester
Alat uji lampu otomatis (Robotik) kendaraan bermotor, berfungsi untuk memeriksa tingkat kekuatan cahaya dan kemiringan cahaya atas/bawah dan kiri/kanan secara otomatis.

Alat Uji Lampu Robotik Kendaraan Bermotor
Automatic Headlight Tester COS-2800 digunakan sebagai alat penguji otomatis untuk pemeriksaan lampu depan kendaraan bermotor. Kemampuan pengujiannya mencakup intensitas cahaya sinar tinggi, lampu jauh, lampu dekat, jenis lampu dll. Perangkat memenuhi standar nasional GB7258, GB 21861, GB18565 dan persyaratan teknis terkait lainnya oleh organisasi pengujian kendaraan. Perangkat ini banyak digunakan di gedung pengujian kendaraan bermotor, bengkel dan pabrik mobil, dll.
- Dual CCD technology.
- DSP6000 image processing technology.
- Automatic detection of light vehicle.
- Bright digital display system.
- Standard GB7258, GB 21861, GB18565.
- Telah terdaftar di E-Katalog.
Pengujian dilakukan untuk mengukur intensitas cahaya lampu depan, baik kekuatan cahaya maupun penyimpangan cahaya itu sendiri, dengan kemampuan ukur hingga 125.000cd dan dilengkapi hasil cetak (PRINTER). Alat ini dilengkapi dengan laser pendeteksi titik cahaya lampu dan juga menu kalibrasi.
Features Automatic :
- COS2800 headlight tester is totally automatic. Based on the characteristics of luminous intensity distribution of driving and passing beam of headlight, the instrument adopts advanced image processing technology and have feature point accurately located. As a highly intelligent instrument, it can automatically measure the offset of optic axis and luminous intensity of the headlight;
- State-of-art appearance design, high-speed DSP6000 image processing technology, automaticly searching for headlamp high beam, accurate detection for low beam;
- Dual CCD technology, independent testing, allow to adjust automobile headlamp low beam;
- Multi-point auxiliary light searching system, special CCD light searching to speed up the inspection;
- Double positioning system effectively prevent interference;
- Standard RS232 interface, reliable networking software and rich communication instruction;
- Equipped with high-performance industrial computer control (PC and LED Display), fast measurement speed, high accuracy; the online adjustment feature set of professional design the man-machine dialogue interface, adjust the lighting is more simple and convenient; dual display system provides dual data backup
- Bright digital display system;
- Support line adjustment mode;
- Support Dual-lamp inspection mode available to shortern inspection speed;
- Headlight tester is an important item during the inspection of security performance of motor vehicles, right installation angle and sufficient luminous intensity are important guarantee for safety driving;
- The instrument can be used in network inspection for safety inspection of motor vehicles, leave factory and car repair workshop;
Specification Technical:
- Light Intensity: 0 - 120.000cd
- Deviation of Optical Axis:
- High Beam: Vertical: (Up) 350mm/10m ~ (Down) 525mm/10m
- Horizontal: (Left) 525mm/10m ~(Right) 525mm/10m
- Low Beam: Vertical: (Up) 350mm/10m ~ (Down) 525mm/10m
- Horizontal: (Left) 525mm/10m ~ (Right) 525mm/10m
- Inspection Distance: 50 cm
- Inspection High: 400 - 1400mm
- Measurement Accuracy:
- Luminous intensity: ± 10%
- Optical axis deviation: ± 35mm/10m
- Power Supply: AC220V ±10%, 50Hz ±1%
- Power Consumtion: 15W
- Weight: 40Kg
- Dimension: 680mm (L) x 570mm (W) x 1580mm (H)
Option Accessories :
- 1 pcs Computerize
- 1 pcs Software
- 1 pcs Communication desk
- 1 pcs Stand for cable length distance
- 1 pcs Indicator Command prompt
- 4 pcs Sensor Distance